

FCI全称Federation Cynologique Internationale,中文称为世界犬业联盟或国际犬业联盟。该组织于1911年在法国成立(前身为1885年成立的CAGF),是一个独立、非营利性的社会工作者协会。它负责管理狗展和评估比赛犬的质量及数量。 参加FCI认可的犬展是展示犬或者想要成为种犬的狗的基本条件。要成为一个合格的参展者,它必须符合FCI规定的品种标准。只有那些被认可为纯种的狗才有望获得 FCI 的证书。在所有的参赛犬中,只有大约10%有机会得到 FCI 的认可并持证参赛。因此一个犬舍要想培养出一只获FCI证书的犬是非常不容易的,需要付出无数的心血与精力。而且每培育出一只获得了FCI证书的犬只,对于犬种的发展都做出了巨大的贡献。

以下是拉布拉多寻回猎犬的标准表格。(注意:由于谷歌翻译有时会发生错误请查看翻译后的文本) 为了便于阅读将原文与翻译后内容一起列出。

The Labrador Retriever is a very versatile dog. Its purpose was originally to retrieve fish and game for the hunter's benefit, but it has been trained to perform many other tasks in addition to this role. In recent years it has become popular as a family companion of children (and sometimes other dogs). It will happily play with those it knows well or those who take charge and give it attention, but can be nervous of strangers if they approach suddenly or unexpectedly. The same goes for situations where there are new objects that need exploring-for example in cars when someone new gets behind the wheel.

It is very easy to train and handlers have plenty of suggestions about ways to encourage good behaviour and eliminate bad habits. This is an important consideration from the owner's point of view because no matter how lovely a puppy seems, once it becomes established as part of your household, you must respect its independence and allow it to choose whether or not it wishes to be friendly with you. If training requires time, effort and commitment on both sides, everyone's enjoyment will be greater and longer lasting.

In the home, the Lab may sleep almost anywhere——on the sofa, in bed, even underfoot! It is extremely tolerant of human beings and loves to be near us. However, it should never be allowed to sleep on any person's head, face or feet, as this could lead to serious health problems for the dog later on in life.

In order to keep their coat soft and shiny, Labs need regular brushing and combing. Their teeth should also be checked regularly for dental plaque and tartar accumulation, which can cause tooth loss and periodontal (gum) disease. Topical applications of antiseptic agents are available to help avoid such problems, along with regular trips to the vet for checkups
